My Top 10 Items That Make Breastfeeding Easier

Breastfeeding & pumping can be overwhelming if you’re a first time mom. I remember being so confused by it all when I had Noah. I didn’t know which products were the best, my nipples were in pain, and I actually held the breast pump up to my breast (hello miracle hands free pumping bras… I love you & am so glad I discovered you). I thought it would be helpful to put together a post about my top 10 items that take breastfeeding easier.

  1. Earth Mama Nipple Cream– this is hands down the best nipple cream that you will desperately need during the first month of nursing your baby. I had the worst dry/cracked/bloody nipples both times, and this saved me.
  2. A Good Nursing Bra I’ve tried a ton of them, and the one I’m linking in this blog post is the absolute best. I find myself wearing it almost every day (I really need it in more colors). It’s very comfortable, and the adjustable straps actually give the girls a little lift so you don’t feel like you look frumpy when wearing it. It’s priced just under $50, and is worth every penny. If you just buy two of these, you won’t need any other nursing bra (in my opinion).
  3. Boppy– I use the boppy everyday when I’m at home feeding Emma. Whenever I’m traveling I always miss it. It’s so much easier than just using a pillow from your couch or bed because Emma’s entire body lays so perfectly on it, and it makes lining her up so easy. I highly recommend a boppy in those first few months when you are getting the hang of nursing (especially when baby is just learning how to do it, and doesn’t have control of their head). Don’t forget to get a cover. The cover comes off really easily so you can toss it in the washing machine when needed.
  4. Nursing Friendly Tops– It’s not necessary to get a ton of nursing shirts & tanks. You really only need a few. A lot of clothing can be somewhat nursing friendly if it’s the right type of shirt (think henleys, button -ups, and loose-fitting shirts that can easily be lifted up). I’ve linked some of my favorite nursing friendly tops for you guys below (including the nursing wrap I’m wearing in the above photo).
  5. Nipple Shield This can be essential in the beginning if you’re having trouble getting your baby to latch. When I was a first time mom with Noah I had to use this thing all of the time. (order multiple, because they are easy to lose). Luckily Emma latched right away so I didn’t need one the second time around.
  6. Hands Free Pumping Bra– Total lifesaver. Makes pumping so much more enjoyable because you can use your phone while pumping, or even get some work done on your computer.
  7. Medela Breast Pump– Check with your insurance to see if you can get one for free first! Most insurance companies will allow you to get one. Also check with your OBGYN.
  8. Bottles– there are SO many bottles out there. Since I started nursing Emma right away she wouldn’t take a bottle for awhile. Just recently I got her to take them more regularly, and the only one she would take was the MAM Bottle.
  9. Breastmilk Storage Bags-I get the Target brand because they are much cheaper than the others, and they work perfectly! I just pump the milk, pour it into a bag, label the bag, and put it in the freezer. Super easy!
  10. Bottle Brush– Necessary. I’m linking the one we have and use. It’s great, and a bottle brush is a must-have for cleaning your bottles.

You can shop all of these items below by clicking on any of the images!

You can also check out my post on The Best Nursing Bras and Tanks// Thanks so much for stopping by today!


Lee Anne


  1. Sara on February 8, 2018 at 8:29 am

    I’m currently nursing and pumping for our second daughter. I was so overwhelmed with our first that I gave up at about 12 weeks. This time, I’m committed to making it work. I just wanted to add that for large chested nursing moms, the nursing bra you linked to may not offer enough support. I know that there’s warnings out there about wearing nursing bras with underwire, but if you’re rocking a DD or larger, not wearing underwire causes a terrible looking saggy uni boob. I’ve found this nursing bra to be good: They have larger sizes so you can’t find one where the underwire fits perfectly which gives me less concern about causing issues. It’s also nice to have 2 boobs again!

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